League of Legends Wild Rift Patch 3.3 Brings in Massive Changes and a Brand New Gameplay

Wild Rift Patch 3.3

Wild Rift League Of Legends

Shine Bright—it’s patch 3.3! 

Wild Rift is changing and channeling the elements and the stars this patch as Elemental Rift is here to permanently stay and transform the Rift in Ranked and Normal PvP modes.

The Star Guardians, new and old, are also here to protect us from the forces of evil.

New items to enchant your gameplay in Wild Rift, three charming mini champion reworks, cooldown reductions to almost every ultimate, and of course your regularly scheduled balance adjustments!

Along with these shiny new updates we also have a new Ranked Season with a few adjustments and a new Glorious skin and goodies for you to earn on your climb! A new Wild Pass is also here in Wild Rift, along with the ARAM Progression Track, and Legendary queue. 

Wild Rift League Of Legends

The New

We have Three NEW faces joining the Rift in Patch 3.3

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Wild Rift League Of Legends

The New


You’ll now be able to show off your snowballing skills to all your friends in Wild Rift with the ARAM Progression track! Up your snowball score by playing ARAM’s throughout the season and earn new and exclusive seasonal titles once a season concludes, based on your performance throughout. ARAM seasons will follow the same schedule as Ranked Seasons. 

Wild Rift ARAM season and Progression Track will begin July 16 at 00:01 UTC


This patch they are adding in a new setting so that you can have anything that isn’t aimed or targeted as “On Button Down.” This means that with this setting, abilities that aren’t aimed or targeted will activate a few frames quicker! This is something they implemented a while back for Summoner Spells and Active Items, but are now adding it as a setting for some abilities.


Elemental Rift will bring some massive changes to each game you play, literally reshaping the map after you slay the first dragon.

  • Infernal: Burns away brush and collapses walls.
  • Mountain: Causes walls and terrain to rise out of the earth.
  • Ocean: Brush and Honeyfruit grow as the river floods.

Along with the map changes, we are also introducing an updated dragon slayer system. Slaying a single Elemental Dragon won’t give you much power on its own, but with each additional Dragon your power grows. Increasing its potency, while you collect the additional effects granted by each dragon your team slays. If you choose to invest in slaying all 3 Elemental Dragons you’ll be a formidable opponent before the other team has a chance to make a last ditch effort for the Elder Dragon. 

The Elder Dragon is also flying in with this update and is a late game objective, guaranteed to spawn at 20 minutes replacing the remaining Elemental Dragon if it is still on the map. Slaying this behemoth grants your team the ability to burn their targets to a crisp, attacks apply a burn, and champion damage that reduces your opponents to critical levels will execute them immediately.

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Wild Rift League Of Legends
Wild Rift League Of Legends


Elemental Dragons

  • Dragon Slayer: The power of your elemental dragon buff increases as you slay more elemental dragons!
  • Infernal Dragon: 4/8/12% Attack Damage and Ability Power
  • Mountain Dragon: 6+3%/12+6%/18+9% Armor & Magic Resist
  • Ocean Dragon: 3/6/9% missing Health Regeneration

Elder Dragon

  • Damaging an enemy causes them to burn for 60 true damage per second for 3 seconds.
  • Dealing damage with champion abilities, basic attacks, or Elder Dragon’s burn to an enemy below 15% health, instantly execute them.
    • This execute ignores shields, but will not affect targets who are invulnerable or immune to death.

When Elder Dragon is slain it grants its buff to all living members of your team, lasting for 2 minutes or until champion death.


Elemental Dragons

  • First dragon spawn: 5 minutes
  • Spawning non-repeating random Elemental Dragons
  • Dragon respawns every 5 minutes
  • First dragon’s death changes the terrain to the corresponding dragon’s element

Elder Dragon

  • The Elder Dragon spawns at 20 minutes
    • Elemental Dragons despawn at 19 minutes
    • If an Elemental Dragon would respawn after 19 minutes, it will not spawn, and is instead replaced with Elder Dragon’s spawn at 20 minutes
    • If the Elemental Dragon is in combat it won’t despawn until 19:30
    • If no Elemental Dragon was slain then the terrain changes when the elemental dragon despawns
    • Elder Dragon Respawns after 4 minutes

Ranked Updates

Wild Rifts Ranked Season 6 is here and brings with it some updates and new rewards for you to earn on your climb. As you embark on your climb this season and defeat wooorthy opponents you’ll be able to earn this season’s ranked skin, Glorious Crimson Fiora!

Along with the new seasons we have a few adjustments to Ranked:

  • Ranked marks will now extend all the way to Challenger.
    • Once you reach Diamond, instead of gaining and losing Victory Points (VP) for wins and losses, you’ll now gain a ranked mark per win and lose one per each loss.
      • To progress through each tier of Diamond, you’ll now need to earn six marks per tier.
    • You’ll now need to earn at least 20 marks to fulfill the rank requirements to be promoted to Grandmaster.
    • You’ll now need to earn at least 40 marks to fulfill the rank requirements to be promoted to Challenger.
  • To make the entire queue more consistent, Ranked Fortitude and Fortitude Shields will now persist into Diamond up through Challenger.
  • Removing placement matches at the beginning of the ranked experience.
  • Since we’re implementing a lot of new changes, our usual season reset will roll some ranks back a bit further than the previous season to help smooth the transition into these updated ranks.

Ranked Season 6 will begin July 16

Wild Rift League Of Legends

Legendary Queue

Wild Rift League Of Legends

few weeks after the new ranked season we will introduce a new queue, Legendary queue! This will be an additional queue for you to climb your way through in Wild Rift and show off your skill:

  • Solo queue only.
  • Available for players who achieve Diamond + in our existing Ranked system.
  • Will only be available during certain hours of the day.
  • Will share the same season cycle with our existing Rank queue
  • Six new major ranks, and each rank will have four sub-tiers for you to climb your way through:
    • Warrior IV – I
    • Commander IV – I
    • Guardian IV – I
    • Vanquisher IV – I
    • Immortal IV – I
    • Legend
  • If you climb to the top and achieve the prestigious rank of Legend, you’ll also be given a special global ranking on the leaderboard alongside the other players who are able to reach Legend.
  • There will be a separate matchmaking rating (MMR) in this queue, so the rank and MMR you have in other queues will have no effect on your experience in this new one.
  • Exclusive rewards will also be available for you to earn during your climb in this new queue!

Legendary Queue will begin a few weeks after Ranked Season 6 begins

Wild Pass and Events

Wild Pass

Here straight from the cosmos to brighten your gameplay and this Wild Pass is Stargazer Karma. She’ll be your reward for completing this pass, but don’t worry there’s plenty of other dazzling new goodies for you to earn along the way. 

Wild Rift League Of Legends

Star Guardian

Swear the oath of the first star and embark on a magical journey in wild Rift!

The Star Guardian event begins July 15 at

Champion/ Item Changes and Ultimate Adjustments

Champion Changes / New Items and Reworks

Tons of Champion changes and complete reworks for some. Nerfs , Buffs and BRAND NEW Items and Enchantments have come to Patch 3.3

Wild Rift League Of Legends

Ultimate Cooldown Adjustments

In addition adjustments *to almost every champion’s ultimate cooldown.

The DEV’s have been listening to a lot of player feedback and seen that some ultimates cooldowns are quite long, and over the course of a game you may not get many opportunities to cast them. 

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All new Accessories

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